Are Foxes Nocturnal?

Image of a fox

Foxes are a member of the canidae family, which includes wolves, jackals, and dogs. They are common in woodlands, as well as rural and urban areas, and are relatively small compared to their canine cousins.

Most members of the canidae family are active at night, but what about foxes? Are these little creatures nocturnal?

Are Foxes Nocturnal?

The simple answer is: yes, foxes are nocturnal animals. This means that they are most active at night and sleep during the day.

However, foxes are not purely nocturnal animals and can also be active during the day, especially in the early morning or late afternoon.

This is because foxes are crepuscular animals, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk.

So, while foxes are technically nocturnal animals, they are not entirely active at night and can also be seen during the day.

Advantages Of Being Nocturnal

There are a few advantages to being nocturnal, particularly for a wild animal.

For one, it’s easier for them to find food at night. Small mammals like mice and rabbits are active at night, so it’s easier for foxes to hunt them down.

It’s also darker at night, which gives foxes a better chance of avoiding predators. While adult foxes are predators themselves, they are also prey for larger animals like coyotes and wolves.

So, being active at night allows foxes to avoid being eaten!

Another reason foxes may be nocturnal is that it’s simply cooler at night. Foxes have thick fur coats, which can make them quite warm in the daytime. Especially because some foxes live in the desert!

By being active at night, foxes can avoid the heat of the day and stay cool. The gray fox, red fox, and arctic fox are all nocturnal animals.

Are All Fox Species Nocturnal?

Most foxes are nocturnal, but there are a few species that are diurnal, or active during the day. The Channel Island Fox, for example, is active during the day and sleeps at night.

This is likely because the Channel Island Fox doesn’t have many predators, so it doesn’t need to worry about being eaten.

The lack of predators also means that there is less competition for food, so the Channel Island Fox can afford to be active during the day when other animals are sleeping.

Crepus.. Crepuscular What?

As we mentioned, foxes are crepuscular animals. But what does that mean, exactly?

Crepuscular animals are those that are most active at dawn and dusk. This is because it’s not too hot or cold at these times of day, and there is also more light than there is in the middle of the night.

Crepuscular comes from the Latin word “crepusculum”, which means “twilight”.

So, while foxes are technically nocturnal animals, they are most active at dawn and dusk. This is why you might see a fox out and about during the day, especially in the early morning or late afternoon.

What Do Foxes Do at Night?

So, if foxes are nocturnal animals, what do they do at night?

Well, foxes hunt for food at night. They typically eat small mammals like mice and rabbits, but they will also eat birds, insects, and fruit.

Foxes will also use the cover of darkness to avoid predators. They will also use this time to groom themselves and their cubs.

Foxes also often use the time to rest and sleep. However, they don’t usually stay in one place for long and will move around a lot during the night.

Do Foxes Come Out During the Day?

As we mentioned, foxes are technically nocturnal animals. However, this doesn’t mean that they never come out during the day.

During mating season, for example, male foxes will often be active during the day as they search for a mate.

Foxes will also be active during the day if they are looking for food. If there is a particular food source that is only available during the day, then foxes will make sure to be up and about to get it.

Food shortages can also lead to foxes being active during the day, as they search for something to eat. Some foxes will also scavenge for food during the day, especially if they are looking for carrion.

So, while foxes are nocturnal animals, it’s actually a myth that they never come out during the day. That’s just not true!

Foxes and Urban Areas

In some areas, foxes have adapted to living in close proximity to humans. This is most common in urban areas, where there is a plentiful food supply and fewer predators.

Red and gray foxes are the most common types of foxes found in urban areas. Urban foxes are most active at night, as they search for food and avoid contact with humans.

However, you might see a gray fox or red fox during the day, especially if it is looking for food or if there is a mating season.

This can be a nuisance for people, as these foxes will rummage through garbage cans and steal pet food. If you live in an area with foxes, it’s important to be aware of their activities and take steps to protect yourself and your property.

Deterring Foxes

If you’re worried about foxes, there are a few things you can do to deter them.

First, make sure to secure your garbage cans and keep them away from the house. You should also bring pet food inside at night, or keep it in a sealed container.

You can also discourage foxes from coming onto your property by installing a fence. A tall fence will help to keep foxes out, as they are unlikely to jump over it.

You can also make your property less inviting to foxes by removing potential hiding places, such as piles of wood or debris.

If you have a bird feeder, you should also bring it inside at night. Otherwise, foxes may be tempted to steal the bird food.

If you’ve done all this and you’re still having problems with foxes, you may need to contact a professional for help.

Professional Fox Removal

Foxes can be a nuisance, but they are also wild animals. If you have a fox problem, the best thing to do is to contact a professional for help.

At AAAC Wildlife Removal, we have experience dealing with foxes and can help you to get rid of them for good. We use humane methods to remove foxes, and we will also take steps to prevent them from returning.

If you live in an area with foxes, contact AAAC Wildlife Removal today to find out how we can help you.


Foxes are creatures of the night, and they are most active at dawn and dusk. At these times, they will search for food and care for their young. However, foxes are not strictly nocturnal, and they will also be active during the day if they need to. This is most common during mating season or if there is a shortage of food.

It seems foxes are nocturnal not by preference, but by necessity. By being active at night, they can avoid predators, find food, and stay cool. In urban areas, the night is also the time when people are least likely to be active, so foxes can move around more freely.

In areas where they’re common, foxes can be a nuisance. They will rummage through garbage cans and steal pet food. If you’re having problems with foxes, the best thing to do is to contact a professional for help.

Originally published on

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